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Oromia Forest & Wildlife


Messages From The Director General :-

Forests, if properly managed, can play an important role in economic development of a nation. Forests particularly paly critical roles in green economic development as they maintain climate, soil and water systems, biodiversity; all of which are critical for food security and other key aspects of human well-being. It is therefore, widely accepted that forests are just beyond the forest goods that they provide, such as in the form of timber/wood.

Oromia is fortunate to have rich and diverse forest and wildlife resources. Oromia’s forests, likewise, play many-fold roles such as livelihoods for larger proportion of the population, provide diverse sources of jobs, protect watersheds and controlling erosion, regulate the climate and protect biodiversity. Yet, Oromia’s forest and wildlife resources are currently experiencing diverse pressures from deforestation and forest degradation. I sincerely like to accentuate that curbing these pressures and ensuring their sustainable management needs the attention and concerted effort of all citizens.

Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise (OFWE) is mandated to administer and sustainably manage forests, woodlands & wildlife conservation areas in Oromia. To fulfill this purpose, OFWE strives to develop and implement multiple-use forestry, whereby forestlands and wildlife conservation areas in its jurisdiction are managed to simultaneously provide more than one of the following development objectives: biodiversity conservation, watershed protection, and the sustainable utilization of forest products for economic development.

Dear reader, thank you for visiting our official web-site.

We put out this web-site to provide you with brief background on the forest and wildlife resources under OFWE’s jurisdiction, what we are doing and list of products/services we provide to our honoured customers.  You may also find links to some datasets regarding our activities, reports and legal documents.  

Mr. Ararsa Regassa

Director General Of Oromia Forest & Wild Life Enterprise

Oromia Forest & Wildlife Enterprise Vision,Mision & Core Values


To be a well reputed East africa’s Forest based Enterprise by 2022


Undertake sustainable protection, development and utilization of forest and wildlife resources in its concession through community participation; ensure supply of forest products to domestic and international markets by enhancing investments in forest industry; and subsequently contribute to the regional and national socio economic development endeavors.


  1. To protect and conserve forest and wildlife resources in its concession through participation of the local community.
  2. To increase the area of forest cover in Oromia by undertaking extensive forest development and through provision of the necessary support to local communities for their involvement in extensive forest development.
  3. To supply various forest products to domestic and international markets by applying sustainable and efficient utilization of existing forest resources.
  4. To enhance the benefit obtained from the wildlife sub-sector by attracting competent manpower, applying improved management system and modern technology to the management of wildlife conservation areas
  5. To identify and support rural development works that are prioritized by and can contribute to socio-economic development of the local community.
  6. To ensure sustainable management of biodiversity conservation.
  7. To contribute to the mitigation of climate change by applying conservation, extensive development and sustainable utilization of existing forest resources.
  8. To implement the forest and wildlife management policy of the regional state.

Pursuant to Regulation No. 122/2001 establishing the Oromia Forest and Wildlife Authority, Article 7, sub-sections 1 to 17, the powers and duties assigned to it are listed below.

1. Protect and develop Forest and Wildlife resources within the allotted land in accordance with existing laws,

2. Ensure reliable supply of forest products such as rape, poles, utilities, construction timber, straw, etc. to meet the growing demand for forest products.

3. Expansion of Forest Industry to produce value added products from Forest products such as cotton, household and office furniture, construction materials, affected wood, Veneer, Particle Board, Chippudi, Pulp and paper, Compost, Briquettes and by-products production of other timber and supply to domestic and foreign markets,

4. Coordinate services and production of non-timber forest products such as tourist attractions, forest coffee, yeast, aromatics, water extraction, etc. for domestic and foreign markets,

5. Prepare appropriate forest management plans and wildlife sanctuaries, ensure proper distribution of protected forests and products in the prepared forest management plans, and if approved, implement them.

6. Provide technical support to farmers living in the forest area to develop their own forests,

7. Provide necessary support for the modern development and sustainable use of public forests and for the public to obtain market information for forest products.

8. Maintain the wildlife resources in the allotted land in a sustainable manner and ensure that the income from the wildlife resources is increased

9. Issue and control the issuance of licenses to local citizens based on the guidelines issued by the Board of the Institute.

10. Ensure that the share of proceeds from the sale of forest and wildlife products is used for the social and economic development of the residents of the forest area and wildlife sanctuaries.

11. Manage the Forest Fund in accordance with Article 21 of the Regulation on the Establishment of the Oromia Forest and Wildlife Corporation (Regulation No. 122/2001); and for various purposes.

12. Issue and implement various guidelines to achieve its objectives

13. Conduct neutral domestic and foreign market research to make the sale of forest products effective

14. Conduct various researches to improve Forest and Wildlife Management and adapt new technologies

15. Review and implement results-based incentive programs for executives and employees if approved 16. He shall acquire property, enter into contracts in his name, sue and be sued

17. Perform all necessary activities to achieve its objectives.

No Forest No water!

No Water No Life!

Save Tree!

Save Life!

Slogan on Wildlife Conservation

Do you know how many animals are killed just for their skin or fur in a year? Thousands! You might have seen that many animals have already become extinct or endangered. One might wonder why it’s important to conserve wildlife. Well, you must have heard about the term ‘ecosystem’. The ‘ecosystem’ comprises all the plants, animals and other living beings who interact and work together.

Wildlife Conservation and Its Importance

You might have seen so many seminars or rallies that promote the idea of wildlife conservation. Have you ever thought about why it’s important to conserve wildlife? You might think since hunting is now banned, how are wild animals still in danger? Well, the wildlife remains in danger if the environment where they are living isn’t protected.

Why is it important to conserve wildlife?

Wildlife is an important part of our ecosystem. If we don’t conserve wildlife, the entire ecosystem will collapse. For a balanced ecosystem, the conservation of wildlife is a must.

Don’t wild wildlife Help to save the world’s wildlife Don’t shoot us with Guns, shoot us with cameras

Forest & Wildlife

Look Deep Into Nature

Just Living Is Not Enough

Adopt The Pace Of Nature